Principal's Message


I want to thank the parents and teachers. I am very happy to work with such a dedicated group of people committed to providing our students the BEST possible education. I especially want to thank the Logan students for the kindness, manners, and respect they show to me, their teachers, and their peers. I am truly EXCITED to be here!
Students and teachers are enjoying the hands-on/games approach to the EM4 Math program. 
During the Intervention/W.I.N. hour as well as during the Reading Workshop/English Language Arts block, students are reading books on their instructional level and sharing in-depth discussions with their peers about the major elements of the story.
The departmentalization in grades 3-6 is going well. Teachers can demonstrate their expertise in a content area; students reap the benefits of this knowledge and enjoy changing classes.
Our Positive Behavior System - PAWS program is beginning to take off. The students can receive a PAW for doing the right thing and being respectful to their peers. The monthly activities have been planned by teachers and the students can visit the Library to turn in their PAWS for prizes. 
We have many wonderful parent/student activities planned for this year, and we look forward to your attendance at many of them.
Just a reminder that we hold our monthly PTA meetings in the school library.  We are always looking for new members and helpers for events and activities. If you would like to volunteer and need help with clearances, please contact me.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 814-946-8370.
James F. Abbott
Logan Elementary