School Counselor » What does a School Counselor Do?

What does a School Counselor Do?

  • Provide support to students, families, and teachers to help all students succeed to their highest potential
  • Provide support in the areas of social/emotional, academic, and career to help remove potential barriers to success
  • Work with students individually and in small topic-focused groups
  • Teach classroom lessons to all students on a variety of skills
  • Provide behavioral interventions
  • Promote an anti-bullying environment
  • Provide conflict resolution meetings
  • Communicate with families to help close the gap between school and home
  • Monitor attendance and work with families and the SAIP (Student Attendance Improvement Plan) team to promote consistent attendance
  • Collaborate with stakeholders in schools, families, and communities to promote student success
  • Coordinate services through community agencies
  • Coordinate the school’s Elementary Student Assistance Program (ESAP) team